Contractor | React Native

Contracts on the Fly

With the working title “Contractor”, this application is a modern, easy-to-use React Native mobile application for freelancers and contractors to quickly search for new contracts and gigs from across a wide range of job boards.

What they needed

I was tasked with developed the MVP mobile application by compiling initial design documents, and concept ideas into a fully functional version 1.0.

I was approached with the concept of mobile application that could reduce the admin time most freelancers and contractors would spend looking for new work, and sifting through jobs that weren’t viable for them.

The initial concept and designs showed a modern, bright application that was minimalist in design and highlighted the most important tasks for the user to quickly and effectively search for new work.

react native app Kieran Croft Developer


How I did Made it

Asterfox's gameplay mechanics were designed to retain the essence of the original Asteroids while introducing modern elements to enhance the player experience. This included dynamic asteroid generation, responsive player controls, and smooth collision detection. Implementing these features required meticulous coding and optimization to ensure seamless performance across various Android devices.

Throughout development, integration testing played a crucial role in validating the app's functionality and identifying potential issues. Compatibility testing across different Android versions and screen sizes was also imperative to ensure a consistent user experience.

Regular communication with the client facilitated the alignment of development goals with their vision for Asterfox. Iterative feedback loops enabled adjustments to gameplay mechanics, visual elements, and performance optimizations, ensuring that the final product met their expectations.

Developing Asterfox was a technical endeavor that required a combination of programming skills, game design principles, and collaboration with the client. By leveraging Java and LibGDX, I was able to create a proof-of-concept mobile game that showcases the potential of modern technologies in reimagining classic gaming experiences for contemporary audiences.



The Final Result

Kieran Croft React Native App Developer

Jules Studio